Science Faculty
Maya Patel
6th Grade Science Teacher
I can trace my fascination with the natural world back to a childhood spent in the woods, and my desire to become a Biologist back to my first microscopic view of Volvox aureus (in middle school of course). For me, teaching science has always been about sharing wonder and lighting sparks. Students learn best when they are inspired to explore, inquire, test ideas, and come to their own conclusions grounded in evidence. Learning how to learn and embracing the process are the most valuable gifts a teacher can help develop in a young person.
PhD Learning, Teaching and Social Policy (Cornell University)
MS Entomology (University of Illinois)
BA Biology (Mount Holyoke College)
Began my career in education: 1996
Began at ASMS: 2022
Patricia Killian
7th Grade Science Teacher
I love science and discovery. The natural world has always held amazement for me. Stomping through a stream, jumping in puddles to see how high the splash will go, or staring in wonder when I look through a microscope are some of my favorite things to do. Pair that with my love of kids and the question isn't "Why do I teach?", but "How could I possibly do anything else?" I love my job!
B.S. Biology (Syracuse)
Began my career in education: 2006
Began at ASMS: 2008
Michael Powers
8th Grade Science Teacher
I pursued a career in science based on a desire to better understand the natural world and to become a better steward of our environment. When I realized the best parts of my day centered on interacting with the gernal public I shifted from scientist to full-time educator. I love that my career now focuses on empowering students to pursue their curiosity by helping them develop the skills and techniques to address their own questions through the scientific process.
M.A. Biological Sciences (University of Arkansas, Fayetteville)
B.A. Biology (Hobart College)
Began my career in education: 2014
Began at ASMS: 2019