English Language Arts Faculty

Sara Sisson
6th Grade ELA and Reading Teacher
What began as a love for books has transformed into a passion for teaching young people the tools they need to become lifelong readers and writers. I believe that learning should be equal parts challenging and exciting and that meeting or exceeding goals will always open new doors.
B.A. Adolescent Education (Elmira College)
B.A. English Literature (Elmira College)
M.A. English Literature (Binghamton University)
Began My Career in Education: 2017
Began at ASMS: 2022

Esther Hauber
7th Grade ELA and Reading Teacher
My love of reading and writing began at a very young age. I was always in awe of how a book could transport me to new worlds and creative ideas. As an ELA teacher, I have the privilege of helping students open texts that take them to new ideas and places and then helping them share their world through writing. Learning is a collaborative adventure that I am proud to call my career.
B.A. in English (Wheaton College)
M.A. and M.A.T in English (Binghamton University)
Grad. Cert. in Gifted Education (UNC Charlotte)
Began my career in education: 1999
Began at ASMS: 2023
Andrew Hamilton
8th Grade ELA and Reading Teacher
I suppose I have been shadowing teachers since I was in kindergarten, and this shadowing has given me the incentive to pursue the first career that many of us are exposed to. I am a teacher because I want to help young people learn skills for life, break barriers, and discover their potential.
B.S.E. Education (Mansfield University)
Began my career in education: 2002
Began at ASMS: 2010