Course Directory
Our challenging standards-based curriculum emphasizes the development of essential skills, the understanding of important concepts, and the ability to apply learning to real-world problems.
Our curriculum includes courses of study for all students in English language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, world languages, music, visual arts, physical education, and health. In addition, students take grade-specific trimester courses in technology, research, and study skills which are designed to support their integrated learning experience.
Grade 7
The ASMS mathematics curriculum standards are developed from a combination of both the U.S Common Core Curriculum and the Finnish National standards. The standards are organized around five strands that apply across all grade levels: Numbers and Calculations, Algebra, Functions, Geometry, and Probability and Statistics. Progressing within these strands at developmentally appropriate levels, students are expected to explore mathematical relationships, develop and explain their own reasoning and strategies for solving problems, and use problem-solving tools appropriately. All students are encouraged to develop, to understand, and to value a variety of strategies. Information is presented in multiple ways to accommodate the differing learning styles of our students, to stimulate mathematical thinking, and to promote discussion among students. By the time students leave ASMS, they should be confident in their ability to apply their math knowledge to solve problems both in the classroom and in life.
Our unique course design is supported by teacher-generated materials specific to each unit and is not textbook dependent.
Math 7
The seventh-grade mathematics curriculum is designed to deepen students’ understanding of mathematics by connecting established skills to pre-algebraic and algebraic mathematical concepts and applications. Students will use online sources, including DeltaMath exercises and digital worksheets, to practice skills. In-class work will center on project-based learning in order to provide students with opportunities to gain a deep conceptual understanding of the material, apply their skills and knowledge, and exercise their creativity. The curriculum covers a wide range of topics, including number theory, geometry, probability, statistics, transformations, functions, and polynomial arithmetic.