Course Directory
Our challenging standards-based curriculum emphasizes the development of essential skills, the understanding of important concepts, and the ability to apply learning to real-world problems.
Our curriculum includes courses of study for all students in English language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, world languages, music, visual arts, physical education, and health. In addition, students take grade-specific trimester courses in technology, research, and study skills which are designed to support their integrated learning experience.
Grade 6
The Arts
The Arts are a valued and integral part of the ASMS experience. Throughout the three years of middle school, all students are exposed to a variety of approaches to making art, including singing in chorus, playing an instrument in the concert band and participating in visual arts classes. The ASMS art curriculum is aligned to the national visual arts standards and our music program is aligned to national music standards.
Art 6
Think Like an Artist & Foundational Skills
The focus of the sixth-grade art curriculum is learning how to think like an artist. Students are taught the studio habits of mind, elements of art, and principles of design. Students learn foundational drawing, painting, collage, and sculpture skills. Artists generate a collection of ideas that reflect their current interests and then investigate them in art-making. Sixth-grade students learn how to share and combine concepts with other artists to further their individual studio skills, try new ideas, materials, and techniques, and take risks.